
The meaning of life and everything...


Serenity is in theaters and yet I still haven’t seen it. *sigh* Must go see it!! It’s so much harder without a car, as there isn’t any public transportation to the theater…of which there is only ONE! Just need to convince one of my friends to go watch it with me, which is harder than it sounds as none of my friends here are movie buffs or firefly fans. I will think of something…

Digital Fusion 5 and XSI 5 are released now, which is pretty cool, but that doesn’t really effect me as neither are packages I use frequently. Still, some of the features introduced in them are excellent, so go check out the new features list if you haven’t already.

No tests this week!! So, expect lots of posts and updates! ;) I’ve made some great progress on my website, so I may actually have something up this week…might not work out, but it’s a worthy goal.